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Mille Miglia 1927 the first race 160 pages by Dolcini (279788879116886)
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Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
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20-33 Alfa Romeo 176 pages about 1920-1933 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands 176 pages (26_19968)
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10-27 Alfa Romeo Die Merosi-Epoche 1910 bis 1927 history in GERMAN language by W Honscheidt & S Knittel (19_Merosi_Epoch)
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06-26 Il Portello - A Guide for Operators Technicians and Entrepreneurs to the 1906 - 1926 Alfa Romeo by Duccio Bigazzi - In Italian (16_DuccioBigazz)
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20-40 Alfa Romeo 340 pages about 1920-1940 Alfa's compiled into Portfolio book form by Booklands 340 pages (30_210908AE)
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Alfa Monoposto Grand Prix Cars by Simon Moore 836 pages 2-volume in slipcase (30_Alfa_Monopos)
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Le Alfa Romeo do Merosi by Fusi 270 pages hardcover in ITALIAN covering the early pre-war years of Alfa Romeo (20_Fusi_Merosi)
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Immortal 2.9 Alfa by Simon Moore expanded edition (30_Immortal_2.9)
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24-60 Montlhery - The Story of the Paris Autodrome by William Boddy (42_Motlhery)
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Nicola Romeo Biography un imprenditore del sud alla conquista dell'Alfa in ITALIAN 110 pgs by I. Scelsa (31_LV222)
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Alfa Romeo Monza 8C 221130 Autobiography by M. Wash 320 pages hardcover (50_181013)
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Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera 2 volume set limited ed of only 999 over 750 pages and over 1,300 pictures 2016 edition by Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni incl Alfa Romeo Isotta Fraschini Lancia Fiat Ansaldo Citroen O.M. Bianchi BMW Stiegler Auto Avio Bristol Frazer-Nash Ferrari Pegaso Aston Martin Maserati O.S.C.A Lagonda Sunbeam Hillman & more (59788888269498)
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IL Signor Touring Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni by Giacomo Tavoletti 256 high quality hardbound pages detailed story of Carrozzeria Touring Superleggera from 1926-66 cars incl Alfa Romeo Isotta Fraschini Lancia Fiat Ansaldo Citroen O.M. Bianchi BMW Stiegler Auto Avio Bristol Frazer-Nash Ferrari Pegaso Aston Martin Maserati O.S.C.A Lagonda Sunbeam Hillman 358 photos English & Italian text (60_32948)
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00-45 the History & Development of Light Cars by C Caunter 120 page history covering the Alfa Romeo Austin Bugatti Citroen Ford & more (22_LightCars)
$49.95 |
Volume 07, Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Marmon 16, Alfa Romeo 6C 1750, Chrysler, Mille Miglia, and more.. (B20_AQVol07Iss2)
$29.95 |
Roaring Races the true story of Enzo Ferrari race car driver by G. Schmidt (40_8876720065)
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Gaston Grummer the art of Carrosserie by Friry 736 two vol set with 1,023 photos (33_Grummer)
$294.95 |
00-52 Continental Sports Cars by W Boddy hard cover history book covering such makes as Alfa Romeo Bianchi BMW Citroen Delahaye Ferrari Fiat Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Panhard Peugeot & Renault (25_ContenSpCar)
$14.95 |
Alfa Romeo A History by Peter Hull & Roy Slater 524 pages Hardcover The standard by which other Alfa books have been measured (50_AlfaRomeo)
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Spotlight on Alfa Romeo Downunder: Part One: The Early Years; by David Wright Hardcover 128 pages (83_35393)
$59.95 |
Carlo Chiti: Sinofia Ruggente: 206 pages in English & Italian by O. Orefici about the famous Ferrari & Alfa Romeo Engineer (50_135950AE)
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Alfazioso2 by G. Salvetti Alfa Romeo Curiosities in both English & Italian 2nd volume 120 pages hardcover (65_36755A)
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05-61 Sports Car Pocketbook by W Boddy 253 page hard cover history covering Abarth Jaguar Ford Alfa Romeo Saab & more (30_SportBoddy)
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Alfa Romeo, a Ballentine's Illustrated History of the Car Marque , by Peter Hull, 159 pages, illustrated (35_ARBallentine)
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Vintage Motor Car Pocketbook by C Clutton 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Mercedes Benz Packard Peugeot Renault & more (30_VintageMotor)
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The Motor Car An Illustrated History by Anthony Blond 255 hardbound pages (31_Motor_Car)
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Racing Pocketbook by D Jenkinson 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Abarth Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Opel Packard Peugeot Porsche Renault & more (33_RacingPocket)
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Cento Manifesti Alfa Romeo by L Simonetta book of 100 posters advertising Alfa Romeo very rare (70_37128)
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Alfa Romeo Milano classic history of the Marque by M. Frostick: 225 pgs (50_MilanoARCH)
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20-87 AutoItalia on Alfa Romeo Portfolio, compiled by Unique, 78 pages. Models Covered 75, 145, 146, 164, 156, The Alfa Romeo RZ & 3.0GTV (53_184155_2860)
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Golden Guide to Sports Cars by F Mortarini 160 page history with entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Ferrari Fiat Lamborghini Lancia Maserati Austin Jaguar Lotus Triumph BMW Mercedes Porsche & more (33_GoldenSports)
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Ferdinando Valletti Alfa Romeo Mauthausen and return by Manuela Ghezzi the story of an employee of Alfa Romeo both before and after WWII (50_BentleyLefle)
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The 6c 1750 Alfa Romeo by Luigi Fusi and Roy Slater (68_6c1750)
$269.95 |
Alfa Romeo History Museum hardbound pages documenting the history of the company and very thoroughly documents it's many products (60_CataARMuseum)
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Alfa Romeo by L. Fusi All Cars from 1910 Tutte Le Vetture dal 1910 hardcover 875 pages (B02_ChvT_C_Sv)
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Racing Cars; Richard Hough. Illustrated history from first race cars thru modern GP cars. Fwd by Jim Clark. pub 1966 152 pg (30_Hough)
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History of the World's Sports Cars by Richard Hough Illustrated 223 page hard cover covering first race cars thru 60's GP cars (30_SportH)
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Touring by Anselmi (50_Touring)
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10-67 Le Grandi Alfa Romeo by L. Fusi Alfas most important cars large format book ITALIAN text full page colour prints by D. Nardiello, with annotated technical drawings technical specification & competition history for each model (55_10282)
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Batsford Colour Book of Vintage Cars by Barron and Tubbs (60_VintageCars)
$19.95 |
Volume 03, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Alfa Romeo Bertone Cunningham and more... (B20_AQVol03Iss4)
$13.95 |
Alfa Romeo Pocket History by G Garcia 66 page history (30_AlfaGarcia)
$14.95 |
Alfa Romeo door in memory die nosti sogni in both English & Italian photo documentary of the Portello factory by Bertolis (40_Bertolis)
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Best In Show Italian Cars Masterpieces from the Lopresto Collection hardcover 203+xii pages Large format book featuring Alfa Romeo Lancia Fiat & others (9788857226897)
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Vintage & Veteran Cars Britain America Europe by P Hendry hard cover hsitory covering Alfa Romeo Mercedes Citroen Lancia & more (35_VinVetHend)
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The World of Automobiles vol 1 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models AA thru AU including AC Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Audi Adler Allard Alpine Alvis Amilcar Auburn Austin Abarth and more (40_WOA_V01)
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Alfa Romeo Truck History from 1914 thru 1988 in English & Italian hardcover 112 pages 165 illustraitions Camion by Massimo Condolo (50_39305)
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Alfa Romeo Ferrari by M. Rainey 116pg (40_Alfa_Ferrari)
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1910-1985 Museo Alfa Romeo Catalogue Sales Brochure visitor guide for Alfa Romeo Museum 32 pages fully illustrated Text in English & Italian (475_Museo_Romeo)
$23.95 |